Collagraphy is a form of printmaking.
Unlike many forms of printmaking, collagraphy requires the application of materials to a surface rather than the removal. In a collagraph, textural material is added to the base although the base may also be used and cut into to create pattern/texture. The plate is then sealed with shellac or varnish.
The finished plate is then inked up to print the intaglio (indented) surface by rubbing ink all over and then taking off the excess with scrim or newspaper; this is then printed through an etching press where the pressure forces dampened paper into the indentations of the plate to pick up the ink and create an image.
Due to the nature of the plate only small editions can be made before the plate starts to break up.
All the images in this gallery are originals and are available for sale unless marked sold or not for sale.
Please contact me for price information on individual pieces.