A monoprint, as it's name implies is a one-off impression made by applying printing ink to a flat surface and transferring it to paper.
The above image 'Party on the Rock' was created by inking up a smooth acrylic plate then drawing into it with various items such as brushes & cotton buds and wiping with rags & sponges and transferring it to paper using a traditional etching press. There are several layers and colours involved in this particular print. This method is called a reduction monoprint.
Many effects can be achieved in monoprints that are not possible with any other technique.
A One Colour Monoprint -the first photo shows the inked up sheet of acetate which has been drawn into with cotton buds and brushes and wiped with rags. As it is on acetate it can go through the printing press and the additional pressure makes the colours stronger and textures more detailed.
The second photo is the finished monoprint.
Lovely coloured layered monoprints can be made using found items such as laces, feathers, textured papers and stencils. These can be used to create lovely paper collages and beautiful handmade miniature boxes.